On Sat, 14 Nov 2009 14:30:04 -0500, Bill Baxter <wbax...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 10:58 AM, div0 <d...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:

What phobos is really lacking is a bunch of container classes, ala stl.
I've been pondering swiping/porting the container classes from stlport.
License looks like the port could be re-licensed as boost.

good idea/bad idea?

STL implementation code is horrifically unreadable.  But potentially
worse is that the design is, I suspect, thoroughly entrenched in
assumptions based on the limitations of C++ templates (contributing to
that unreadablility).  And they're designed around iterators rather
than ranges, which will surely make for some significant differences.
I sure wouldn't try to port STLport or any other flavor of STL to D.

I kinda think the best way to write a container lib for D would just
be to go back to square one: pseudocode in CLR and other algorithms
books.  Certainly not the quickest way, though.

Anyway I thought Steve S. or Dimscha or someone said they were writing
a D2 container lib already. No?

dcollections will be D2 eventually. It already supports D1 via Tango or Phobos. I want to make it aware of D2-like features (const, ranges, etc), so it's not just a simple port.



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