On Tuesday, 11 October 2016 at 03:00:45 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
On Tuesday, 11 October 2016 at 02:48:22 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
That looks good. I'm just worried about the jump forward - ideally the case c < 127 would simply entail a quick return. I tried a fix, but it didn't do what I wanted in ldc. We shouldn't assert(0) if wrong - just skip one byte. Also, are we right to not worry about 5- and 6-byte sequences? The docs keep on threatening with it, and then immediately mention those are not valid.

[ ... ]


If you want to skip a byte it's easy to do as well.

void popFront3(ref char[] s) @trusted pure nothrow {
   immutable c = s[0];
   uint char_length = 1;
   if (c < 127)
   Lend :
     s = s.ptr[char_length .. s.length];
   } else {
     if ((c & b01100_0000) == 0b1000_0000)
//just skip one in case this is not the beginning of a code-point char
       goto Lend;
     if (c < 192)
       char_length = 2;
       goto Lend;
     if (c < 240)
       char_length = 3;
       goto Lend;
     if (c < 248)
       char_length = 4;
       goto Lend;

Pardon me asking, but why all these gotos instead of else ifs:

  if (c < 192)
    char_length = 2;
  else if (c < 240)
    char_length = 3;
  } else if (...) {

Does it have any effect on generated code (I don't think it should)?

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