I've been doing a bit of triaging when I got time, trying to get rid of old
bugs / duplicated.

It's usually easy to confirm a bug if there's a minimal code example, in
which case you can just close it. The enhancement requests, however, nobody
but a bunch of people in the core team can get rid of them, because they
require a decision to be made. So unless there was a discussion where you
or Walter agreed on it (like for deprecating comma operator or implicit
string concatenation), they just sit there forever.

Eventually, with the new DIP process, we could gradually get rid of them by
pointing the author to the DIP repo, then let him/her close the bug as he
ACK the notification, or do it after a certain time. What do you think ?

2016-10-14 2:38 GMT+02:00 Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d <

> I'm going through bugzilla in increasing ID order looking for tasks to
> bootcamp, and am finding a bunch of old bugs that haven't been looked at in
> a long time.
> It would be really great to get rid of some of these old issues and
> generally put some order in our bugzilla. If some are just enhancements
> that given the current direction of D will never happen (as is the case
> with the proposed syntax "static else if" as an alternative/replacement for
> "else static if") please let me know and I'll look into closing them.
> We've been liberal about putting things in bugzilla. Well, at some time we
> also need to look at them - it's not a write-only database like in that
> joke :o).
> For example, https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1448 should be
> addressable. Either we should provide a translation function for outputting
> things and recommend it, or document that codepages that D runs on Windows
> etc - there's got to be a solution. It's not an NP-complete problem. Can
> somebody fluent in Windows codepages take a look?
> Thanks,
> Andrei

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