On Thursday, 20 October 2016 at 07:40:05 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Thursday, October 20, 2016 06:59:12 lumpyzhu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
std.stdio.File has reference counter inside,
why not std.stdio.File is class?

By using a struct with a reference count, you get deterministic destruction, and the file will be closed as soon as the reference count hits zero. If it were a class, then it would only be closed when the GC happened to collect the memory, and there's no guarantee that it will _ever_ collect the memory (e.g. the GC normally only runs when you call new, so if you never allocate memory again after allocating the File, then the GC will never collect it even if nothing refers to it anymore).

User-defined types that manage system resources are pretty much always better off as structs so that they can have deterministic destruction. Java and C# have a terrible time with stuff like closing files, essentially requiring you to do it manually, because there's no guarantee that the finalizers for their file classes will ever run, and you risk the resource never being released until the program terminates, which can be a big problem. We'd have the same problem if we used a class for std.stdio.File, whereas using a struct works great.

In general, in D, if you don't need inheritance and polymorphism, you probably shouldn't be using a class.

- Jonathan M Davis

but structs are copy by value,
In C++, I can use reference to avoid value-copy,

class MyClass {....};
void myFunc(const MyClass& a, MyClass& b) {...};

      MyClass object;
      // f will destroyed here.
in c++, I know where the object is destroyed..
but how to convert this c++ code to d?

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