On Tuesday, 25 October 2016 at 22:53:54 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Eliminating loops is something D adds, and goes even further to making code a straight line.

A problem for myself and probably many programmers, is some of the tricks like what Linus did simply doesn't come to mind because it's not something we'd seen before so we can't model after it, and also that you sort of follow the same logic of how you'd resolve it because that's how you were taught to resolve it or it's how you know to resolve it.

Often when I go for code I start with commenting the steps/breakdown, then I write each section, refactoring and cleaning up and shortening naturally are last, but once code is working it doesn't usually change too much even if there can be improvement.

Hmm what we really need is something like a good 100 examples of good 'tasty' code, good code in a variety of code, something digestible and even explained down for those not following the full logic if how/why it works, perhaps even bad examples to work up from.

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