On Tuesday, 1 November 2016 at 16:44:14 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
On Monday, 31 October 2016 at 13:29:01 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
These are the constructs that will work.

- foreach on static arrays strings and range-foreach (those kinds (0 .. 64)).
- switches (even deeply nested ones)
- for and while loops
- ternary expressions (? :)
- if and else statements (as long as you don't use && and || )
- lables and gotos
- arithmetic expressions as well as post and pre increment and decrement

Constructs that will not work (but are actively worked on)

- assignment to static array cells
- long ulong arithmetic.
- function calls
- dynamic arrays and slices
- pointers
- structs
- && and ||
- sliceing

Constructs that will not work and are futher down the list.

- classes
- closures
- boundschecks
- asserts

Do all these work in current implementation?

Yes of they do!

There is a lot of work behind the implementation!
I intend to keep the current implemntation around as a fallback.
For things that are used rarely.
like floating point and others :)

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