On Tuesday, 1 November 2016 at 22:22:17 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
On Tuesday, 1 November 2016 at 22:13:29 UTC, e-y-e wrote:

Ouch, and I completely misread the TL;DR paragraph, sorry for the noise!

My fault, note to self: always re-read everything.

It's logical to have cumulativeSum specialized from cumulativeFold when sum is a specialization of fold.

I have yet to write a program which relies on Kahan summation, but I can imagine that being useful.

To be entirely honest, I haven't experienced any _problems_ with the accuracy of naive summation. But Kahan summation does improve accuracy in some cases and I want that assurance.

It does have its own inaccuracies though and I think (may be wrong, again, its late) a flag like -ffastmath would probably eliminate any accuracy gain.

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