So, I seems need to rebuild dmd, exactly snn.lib without
open/remove/close. Now I have the next error:
$ make -fwin32.mak
cd src
make -f win32.mak auto-tester-build
make -fwin32.mak C=backend TK=tk ROOT=root MAKE="make"
HOST_DC="dmd" DMODEL= CC="dmc" LIB="lib" OBJ_MSVC="" "OPT=-o"
"DEBUG=" "DDEBUG=" "DOPT=-O -release -inline"
"LFLAGS=-L/delexe/la" dmd.exe
Target 'dmd.exe' is up to date
dmd -run checkwhitespace aggregate.h aliasthis.h arraytypes.h
attrib.h complex_t.h cond.h ctfe.h ctfe.h declaration.h dsymbol.h
enum.h errors.h expression.h globals.h hdrgen.h
identifier.h idgen.d import.h init.h intrange.h json.h lexer.h
mars.h module.h mtype.h nspace.h objc.h
scope.h statement.h staticassert.h target.h template.h
tokens.h version.h visitor.h objc.d access.d aggregate.d
aliasthis.d apply.d argtypes.d arrayop.d arraytypes.d
attrib.d builtin.d canthrow.d clone.d complex.d cond.d
constfold.d cppmangle.d ctfeexpr.d dcast.d dclass.d
declaration.d delegatize.d denum.d dimport.d dinifile.d
dinterpret.d dmacro.d dmangle.d dmodule.d doc.d dscope.d
dstruct.d dsymbol.d dtemplate.d dversion.d entity.d errors.d
escape.d expression.d func.d globals.d
hdrgen.d id.d identifier.d imphint.d impcnvtab.d init.d
inline.d intrange.d json.d lexer.d lib.d link.d mars.d
mtype.d nogc.d nspace.d objc_stubs.d opover.d optimize.d parse.d
sapply.d sideeffect.d statement.d staticassert.d target.d
tokens.d safe.d traits.d utf.d utils.d visitor.d libomf.d
scanomf.d typinf.d libmscoff.d scanmscoff.d statementsem.d
irstate.d toctype.d glue.d gluelayer.d todt.d tocsym.d toir.d
dmsc.d backend/bcomplex.d backend/cc.d backend/cdef.d
backend/cgcv.d backend/code.d backend/dt.d backend/el.d
backend/global.d backend/obj.d backend/oper.d backend/outbuf.d
backend/rtlsym.d backend/ty.d backend/type.d tk/dlist.d s2ir.c
e2ir.c toobj.c tocvdebug.c toir.h irstate.h iasm.c
toelfdebug.d libelf.d scanelf.d libmach.d scanmach.d tk.c eh.c
objc_glue_stubs.c objc_glue.c irstate.d toctype.d glue.d
gluelayer.d todt.d tocsym.d toir.d dmsc.d root\root.h
root\stringtable.h root\longdouble.h root\outbuffer.h
root\object.h root\ctfloat.h root\filename.h root\file.h
root\array.h root\rmem.h root\newdelete.c root\rmem.d
root\stringtable.d root\man.d root\port.d root\response.d
root\rootobject.d root\speller.d root\aav.d root\ctfloat.d
root\outbuffer.d root\filename.d root\file.d root\array.d
Error: cannot find source code for runtime library file 'object.d'
dmd might not be correctly installed. Run 'dmd -man' for
installation instructions.
config file: C:\cygwin\home\unDEFER\dmd-sources\src\sc.ini
Specify path to file 'object.d' with -I switch
--- errorlevel 1
--- errorlevel 1
At the first seems needed to be fix:
But I don't know what to write there.
Also in the sources I can't find any build instructions of
$ grep -Ir snn .
./src/glue.d: objmod.includelib("snn.lib");
// bring in C runtime library
So how to recompile snn.lib?