On Tuesday, 29 November 2016 at 08:49:22 UTC, soywiz wrote:

Regarding to D. Yep I think I'm in the right place :) I started using D1 something almost 10 years ago and ended doing this: https://github.com/soywiz/pspemu My main concerns by then were: lack of IDE support for major refactorings and productivity + compilation times (because I was doing a lot of metaprogramming that affected every compilation). But I liked D a lot and knew about its strong points. Moved from D to C#, then returned to AS3 and right now I'm mostly programming in Kotlin, which is the most productive language I have ever used (because of the sugar + the awesome IDE support) :)

Oh, nice to see an old user coming back. :)

Yeah, I know that ART is an AOT. But Android is so fragmented that there are still a lot of people with android 4.x using Dalvik. Also not sure if ART supports simd optimizations. So probably you cannot leverage that without going native.

It is great to know that some effort has already been merged. Keep up the good work!

Most of my Android work has been merged, especially in druntime/phobos upstream. Last remaining portions are getting ldc to use llvm's emulated TLS by registering that data properly with the GC and finishing up Kai and Kinke's work to get ldc to cross-compile reals properly (https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/pull/1317). Once those two are done, it should be possible to provide official Android builds from ldc master, both native and cross-compiling.

I will try it expecting random crashes and will stay tuned for updates. But as long as not crashes always, I can still validate it. Thanks!

No crashes if running on the command-line, which is easy to do with the Termux app on any Android device:


I'm seeing random crashes of apk builds, ie actual Android GUI apps, even with source that hasn't changed at all and used to work fine before. That means there's been a regression somewhere in the toolchain, got to figure out where.

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