On Friday, November 25, 2016 22:52:18 H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Hope this info will be helpful to anyone else who's experiencing
> this problem. It cost me almost 2-3 hours' worth of frustration.

Thanks for the info, though I haven't managed to really get much working on
my machine. What really gets my goat about all this though is that with the
recent update from PC-BSD to TrueOS, my desktop no longer is able to work
with D properly (since while FreeBSD 9, 10, and 11 all work with D,
FreeBSD-current - which is what TrueOS is based on - has serious issues with
druntime), and then when I went to redo my laptop the other day, I set it up
with Kubuntu, because the Cannonical folks were actually willing to build
the ZFS drivers into the kernel, and I was sick of problems caused by the
ZFS drivers not loading properly, which means that _both_ of my machines are
now crippled with regards to D. So, I can't really do much with D right now
outside of a VM. Having one machine crippled would be bad enough, but both?
Definitely rotten luck.

I don't know how much I'll be able to do about the TrueOS/FreeBSD problem,
but I'm clearly going to have to spend time at least narrowing down the
problem, since AFAIK not many of us use FreeBSD around here. So, if I don't
at least jumpstart things on that one, I'm probably out of luck for the
forseeable future. But it looks like it's probably a druntime problem, so I
_might_ be able to fix it. It looks like this Debian/Ubuntu problem is
totally up to the compiler devs though and completely outside of my area of
expertise. It would be really nice though if it at least _one_ of those
problems were fixed.

- Jonathan M Davis

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