On 12/5/2016 3:19 AM, Kjartan F. Kvamme wrote:
On Monday, 5 December 2016 at 09:24:59 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
How about a bounty for a new windows installer using inno setup ?

There are several issues related to the nsis-based windows installer
(even on bugzilla). The problem that happened last Fall with a virus
false detection may happen again. "Braddr" proposed to handle digital
signatures in case it would involve payment.

Programming an installer is a small job but it has a long term impact
on the user experience. Worth 100€ imo.

Any particular reason to use Inno Setup over for example Wix Toolset?

In my last job I worked on installers (which I didn't like but someone had to do it.) I recommend WiX over Inno. The main reason is that WiX produces an MSI and Inno doesn't. An MSI is just a data file, not an executable, and is thus better for security. I normally wrapped the MSI in a bootstrap exe. But we had one customer that was part of the government and wouldn't accept anything but an MSI. If you want, you can generate the XML with a program. I just didn't because I figured it was easier to modify if you can directly see the XML. My install builder was actually a combination of C# and WiX. I never found scripts to be flexible enough and it's just one more language to know.


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