Denis Koroskin wrote:
BTW, if a macro was declared as

#define BASIC_TYPES            \
         TOKwchar: case TOKdchar:        \
    case TOKbit: case TOKbool: case TOKchar:    \
    case TOKint8: case TOKuns8:        \
    case TOKint16: case TOKuns16:        \
    case TOKint32: case TOKuns32:        \
    case TOKint64: case TOKuns64:        \
    case TOKfloat32: case TOKfloat64: case TOKfloat80:        \
    case TOKimaginary32: case TOKimaginary64: case TOKimaginary80:    \
    case TOKcomplex32: case TOKcomplex64: case TOKcomplex80:    \
    case TOKvoid

(note an absence of the first case) then it would cause compile-time error instead of run-time bugs. Usage:

switch (token) {
    case TOKidentifier:
    case TOKenum:
    case TOKstruct:
    case TOKimport:
    case BASIC_TYPES:

I like that. Great suggestion!

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