Leandro Lucarella Wrote:

> The problem is "regular" interfaces provide dynamic dispatch. Andrei could
> implement all the range stuff using interfaces, but that would mean:
> 1) You have to inherit from the interface (i.e., you can't use arrays)
> 2) All calls to ranges functions are virtual (inefficient; this is
>    particularly relevant since they are called inside loops => lot of
>    times)
> A static interface don't have those problems, and I don't see a way to mix
> static and dynamic interfaces without introducing a "new" type of
> interfaces (static interface).

I realize that a class that inherits an interface would have these issues, but 
if you aren't required to inherit the interface and the use of interface in a 
function parameter constitutes a compile-time check instead of inheritance 

But this does bring up the question in your suggestion the following code 
couldn't compile, but based on the signature it looks like it should:

size_t walkLength(InputRange range, size_t upTo = size_t.max)
        InputRange temp = range;
        // implementation

I only know enough about the inner workings of compiling Classes to be able to 
follow explanation why my ideas won't work. This could give a very clear 
compiler error, but just doesn't appear wrong outside of that.

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