On Monday, 2 January 2017 at 09:25:28 UTC, ketmar wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 January 2016 at 12:27:12 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

so, mine results are:
1. migrate legacy C++ code bases to D when C++ bindings are final?
never wanted, never did. accomplished.

2. integrate with numerical solutions like TensorFlow?
never wanted, never did. accomplished.

3. create web services with vibe.d?
never wanted, never did. accomplished.

4. run D apps in the cloud?
never wanted, never did. accomplished.

5. run D apps on mobile?
never wanted, never did. accomplished.

6. create runtime less programs (games, embedded)?
never wanted, never did. accomplished.

7. work on the D language/phobos ?
aliced is alive and kicking. accomplished.

8. or something else?
i have no life, so no. accomplished.

What other languages do you think you will use or toy with in 2016 and for what purpose?
none. mine CPU is too weak, it can support only one language

Your doesn't support the Intel Polyglot (TM) technology yet ? I've heard that you just need to put a line of pencil at a particular place to activate it. It creates a jumper with the carbon...the problem is that you need a good magnifying glass to do this, otherwise it activates a PII emulation mode :/

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