On Monday, 2 January 2017 at 21:23:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Regarding the ongoing doubts about the advantages of inline imports: they are first and foremost a completion of the nested import feature. As such, most, if not all, arguments against inline imports apply equally to nested imports. Come to think of it, lazy imports vs nested imports:

* same improvement in compilation speed? check
* no language changes? check
* no nasty bugs in the aftermath (such as the infamous https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10378)? check
* scalable builds? check

Yet local imports are overwhelmingly superior to lazy imports because of one thing: they localize dependencies. They introduce modularity and its ancillary perks (fast and scalable builds, easier review and refactoring) not by engineering, but by organically placing dependencies spatially with their dependents. (The scope statement does the same thing with temporal dependencies.) That the DIP does not make it clear that it is a necessary and sufficient extension of local imports is a problem with it.

I now am really glad we slipped local imports before the formalization of DIPs. The feature could have been easily demeaned out of existence.

Except that almost nobody has argued against local imports. Rather, the argument is that local imports mostly solved this problem, so why bother adding new syntax for the dozen remaining symbols from 2-3 modules that are commonly used in template constraints?

Arguing that local imports have been successful so we should simply do more of it is not a good argument, as there comes a point of diminishing returns. You need to show that there are still worthile gains to be made from changing the language again, which is why I want to benchmark this feature with Walter before deciding.

Allow me to make an appeal regarding the review of any DIP. There seems to be a tendency of some reviewers to get attached and emotionally invested to their opinion, to the extent they'd be hurt by being "wrong" and would go to great lengths to argue they're "right". This has obvious negative effects on the entire process. Please don't. There's no loss of face to worry about. The only commitment we all should have is to the good of the D language. If DIP1005 reaches the conclusion of its own uselessness, I'd be the first one to write it up and close the PR.

We could level this analysis back at you: you consider this DIP so "obvious" that you are not engaging with our concerns, making flip, incorrect remarks about how we would have bikeshedded local imports also.

In the end, this is a minor DIP that is easily bikeshedded, as everybody can grasp it and have an opinion on it. I have refrained from commenting recently because I will let benchmarking settle it for me. Obviously, that won't suffice for others.

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