On Monday, 9 January 2017 at 07:05:27 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
If you don't report bugs, they are guaranteed to not get fixed. There's nothing anyone can do with the statement you made.

If it's an Optlink bug it is pretty much a guarantee regardless even if the bug is reported.

To what end?

Complaining that somebody didn't fix problems neither you nor anyone else reported is not very sporting.

Guess you missed literally the rest of that paragraph that outlines how bugs are actually handled in regards to optlink, let me repost it:

Look at the bug with Optlink related to data that has more than 16 MB. What happened with that? Was that known bug fixed? No, a limitation was introduced into DMD to accommodate Optlink's bug. Rather than doing the sane decision to fix the bug in Optlink. Why? Probably because no one wants to deal with assembly.

Bugs get reported, reported bugs don't get fixed, limitations are introduced to accommodate bugs. That's the way Optlink is handled.

I'd more "sporting" if "please report bugs for optlink" wasn't synonymous for, "please think we care about (and might actually fix it) the bug you found with our project even though no one has touched optlink in 2 years". At some point you have to say, yes this isn't working, we should do something else. It becomes that much more difficult when the other party isn't even willing to accept there's a problem when optlink hasn't had a commit in 2 years. Stern words need to be used to get it through to the stubborn party.

There isn't even an Optlink specific bug list.

I found the list I posted by searching bugzilla for "optlink". If there are any I missed, please let me know.

I meant a subsection of like dmd/druntime/phobos, but I guess that wouldn't help if people don't know the bugs they are reporting are for optlink.

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