On Friday, 27 January 2017 at 11:16:09 UTC, Patrick Schluter wrote:
On Thursday, 26 January 2017 at 00:02:03 UTC, Profile Anaysis wrote:

It's funny (or sad) that C has compound types since C99 and that they are good.
Your  foo(|a,b,|c1,c2,3||,|e|,|f,g,c|) writes as

foo((T1){a,b,{c1,c2,c3}}, (T2){e}, (T3){f,g,c});

of course, the lack of object orientation and other things makes it easier in C.

Yeah, this seems similar to what I am saying. The only difference is that the cast is not required because the types can be deduced for functions. I don't see anything in the spec(https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.2.2/gcc/Compound-Literals.html) showing function calls using "compound literals though", which was my suggestion.

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