On Friday, 3 February 2017 at 04:14:58 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
On 03/02/2017 5:12 PM, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
So the GSoC ideas page is now at least partially complete, you can find
it here:


In the previous thread some of you (Rikki, Adam) had suggested some
improvements to dub/the code.dlang.org website.  Either of you
interested in mentoring something around that?

I'm quite busy this semester, so I am unavailable.

So new project ideas are welcome, and feel free to post any ideas you have here for comment. Also we need mentors so if you post a new project, or see one on the existing ideas page please feel free to offer
your services as a mentor.

The application process finishes on Feb. 9th.



FYI there has been a few people asking about GSOC on #D, any chance you could hang out there so if anybody turns up you can help em' out?

I will make a point of going on #D whenever I can over the coming weeks, but that may be limited. Anyone please feel free to direct students to our ideas page (where they can find my email address). I tend to do a better job of answering emails.

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