On Thursday, 9 February 2017 at 21:28:58 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Am 09.02.2017 um 22:20 schrieb Daniel Kozak:
source/app.d(51,37): Error: function dub.internal.utils.jsonFromFile (Path file, bool silent_fail = false) is not callable using argument types (Path, bool)


Must be caused by Path meaning two different type definitions.

I'll have to agree. Back in ... 2009? I was in a company where we were doing web development for a bit, and one curious error that came up was when trying to assign or work with the Date object. Seems the built in Date class wasn't the same as the Sql.Date that was being used (but had the same name). Apparently it took like 2 hours to figure out what was going on.

In cases like these i really wish the structure of the class/struct had a hash or something (based on source or struct layout or something) to help differentiate it rather than just by name, and reverse lookup the exact file location(s) of where the struct in question comes from.

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