On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 15:34:02 UTC, Paul wrote:
I'm in between engineering jobs and exploring the idea of getting into programming for a living...specifically D. 1) Is there enough D demand for someone to make a living (bread and water :} ) at it?
Anything is possible. Aged companies are more government in their operations. Its way to get employed by startups.

2) I've programmed industrial automation controllers using graphical and text-based languages and wrote a few small command line tools in D for myself. How long would it take to become "employable"?
Web, IoT, cloud ... that's where employment is going. You know about embedded systems already (IoT). Don't know how much support D has in this area though, but seems LDC has good arm support.

3) Is there much value in taking programming classes that don't deal with D?
I will recommended studying the few D books, standard library (very important), language specification, and basic algorithms. Exercism.io is a good learning resource for D and Github D projects.

4) What is the best way to find D programming jobs online?

No one really knows. They have to have a reason to employ you which your genuine portfolio can help. Some companies look for certs whilst others look for capable talents/skills.

Startups are formed everyday.

I don't want to go into whether CS degree is a requirement or not.

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