On Tuesday, 7 March 2017 at 15:34:54 UTC, ketmar wrote:
Jack Stouffer wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 March 2017 at 15:05:45 UTC, ketmar wrote:
only for primitive types, sadly.

void main () {
Object a, b;
a == b;

oops. no more error messages. yes, i know that this invokes `opEquals()`, and `opEquals()` can have side-effects. but what are the chances of writing such code *intentionally*?

Hmm, I guess the compiler can (and should) output an error message if it knows that opEquals is `pure`.


yet Object's `opEquals()` is not pure (and it cannot be, to allow non-pure overloads). still, the code i've written has no sense.

I'm curious. Where does it make sense for opEquals to be non-pure? Likewise opCmp, etc.

Maybe we want to support weird DSLs, where operators are reused with very different semantics? For example, the pyparsing parser generator allows you to write a grammar like [0] this:

exp << Group(lparen + op + (number | exp) + (number | exp) + rparen)

[0] http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/file/view/pycalc.py/480674428/pycalc.py

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