On Saturday, 22 April 2017 at 12:14:26 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
Have anyone tried to implement a variant of `std.conv.to` that can be `nothrow @nogc` if the exception handling is replaced by an extra second parameter (`defaultValue`) returned iff the call to `to` throws?

There is common ifThrown template in Phobos: https://dlang.org/phobos/std_exception.html#ifThrown I think it's better to add nothrow ifThrown implementation if needed.

As for me, for such cases, where input data can be not relevant, is better to use Nullable type to indicate the error. In this case, an input value equal to the default value does not cause problems. Something like this:

import std.typecons: Nullable;

Nullable!T nullableTo(T, S)(S source)
    import std.conv : to;
    try                return Nullable!T(source.to!T);
    catch(Exception e) return Nullable!T();

T orElse(T)(Nullable!T n, T value){ return n.isNull() ? value : n.get; }

    assert(! "0".nullableTo!int.isNull);

    assert("123".nullableTo!int.get == 123);

    // And easy convertable to default value variant
    assert("123.45".nullableTo!int.orElse(5) == 5);

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