On 04/30/2017 05:39 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
The allocators design is interesting in that it has a full DbI core, on
top of which resides a thin dynamically-type interface (IAllocator and
ISharedAllocator). We're still exploring the idioms enabled by this
interaction. -- Andrei

I assume this dual-interface design (DbI + OO) is, much like std.digest, a way to have our template/DbI cake and still permit things to be selected at runtime too (via OO), right?

If so, this is a topic that's been on my mind lately, and I'd like to offer some thoughts I've had (well, some partial thoughts anyway):

Part A: While I like that the std.digest design allows both DbI and runtime-selection of arbitrary user-created types, it has a few issues:

1. It feels awkward that it needs essentially duplicate APIs under two different paradigms to pull it off.

2. If a library (such as mine) wants to support both versions, then it needs a little bit of extra plumbing to accommodate that. Or at least it seemed to in my case. (std.digest itself even has a little bit of extra plumbing because of it: WrapperDigest)

3. The OO version, being OO, does involve some type erasure.

Now, fast-forward to:

Part B: On a separate project, I've used Sonke's TaggedAlgebraic before <https://github.com/s-ludwig/taggedalgebraic>. It's kind of interesting: It's much like Phobos's Algebraic, except it allows function/member forwarding to the current underlying value *without* having to explicitly check what the current value's type is (Don't recall offhand exactly how it handles members that don't exist on the current type, probably throws I guess, although I'd imagine it would be possible to statically disallow access to members known at compile-time to not exist in *any* of the possible underlying types. But I digress).

But then:

Part C: At the time, I saw TaggedAlgebraic's member-forwarding as a minor little convenience feature. But the other day I was working with some code that used and built upon std.digest, and something occurred to me:

If we had a type similar to TaggedAlgebraic, but was an open variant rather than a closed algebraic (Ie, a type like Phobos's Variant, but forwarded member access without first requiring explicit conversion to the exact underlying type), then *that* could be used to permit runtime-selection between arbitrary DbI types *without* the type-erasure and "duality" of adding in OO (or at least, less type-erasure anyway). Just maybe need the ability to filter the allowable types via a constraint (such as isBidirctionalRange, etc), and then, IIUC it should be possible for the variant-like supertype to qualify as an honest-to-goodness instance of the DbI interface. Voila: OO has been obsoleted.


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