On 5/9/17 12:35 AM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Please list what we've achieved during the hackathon, including what is
started but is likely to be finished in the coming days or months.

For me:

- Finished updating "Programming in D" to 2.074.0 (the HTML is now up to
date but I could not get to the still manual work of preparing the ebooks)


For me:

- Don't want to exactly steal Jonathan's thunder, but during the conference (before the hackathon actually) he split (and I helped get approval for splitting) std.datetime into a package. That still needs some severe TLC on making the docs read better, but it should be viable. And now github can show diffs for the smaller files :)

- Merged a simple PR I had from April.

- Provided a bit of guidance to people on druntime internals.

- Created my first DMD PR (to make it so unittest imports are not counted for cycle detection).

And that's about it. That last one took a lot of effort, as I was dealing with an apparent bug in the BitArray type, thought I was losing my mind :)

Aaaand, I'm not questioning whether the PR I made is sound, due to the way template-instantiated static ctors work. I'll have to rethink how it works.

But it was very awesome to be able to go around and find the people to discuss a PR/idea without going through a forum thread. I think there's a psychological barrier that happens when you post a complete argument, and then your counterpart forms an interpretation in their mind of what the argument means, forms their complete counter argument, and neither side really understands what the other is saying or willing to do. Doing it in person allows so much more interaction -- you can cut off early any misinterpretations. It's also harder to be nasty in person :)


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