Am Wed, 10 May 2017 20:59:33 +0300
schrieb ketmar <>:

> > On Wednesday, 10 May 2017 at 11:51:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:  
> >> I can't build dmd on Arch Linux anymore. I'm told it's because of a 
> >> binutils update. Annoying.  
> >
> yeah, the great thing. i was hit by that bus too, and had to mutilate 
> druntime to make unittests work again. lucky me, i'm using static phobos. 
> don't even want to think about the scale of the disaster for people with 


Like what will happen to us on Gentoo with when
binutils-2.8 moves to stable here? And can it all be solved by
compiling with -fPIC, like is required for hardened
installations anyways or are there dmd versions that flat out
wont work any longer?


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