On Thursday, 11 May 2017 at 20:36:13 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 11 May 2017 at 20:22:22 UTC, aberba wrote:
With that i meant designing of a simple-clean api

my jsvar.d works kinda similarly to javascript... though i wouldn't call it "clean" because it will not inform you of missing stuff.

jsvar.d is here:


// dmd test.d jsvar.d
import arsd.jsvar;
import std.stdio;

void main() {
        // reading json with `var.fromJson`
        var obj = var.fromJson(`{"a":{"b":10},"c":"hi"}`);
        // inspecting contents

        // convert to basic static type with `.get!T`
        string c = obj.c.get!string;

        // change the contents with dot notation
        obj.a = 15;
        obj.d = "add new field too";


        struct Test {
                int a;
                string c;

        // can even get plain structs out
        Test test = obj.get!Test;

        // and set structs
        test.c = "from D";
        obj = test;

        // writeln on an object prints it in json
        // or you can explicitly do


        // big thing is referencing non-existent
        // things is not an error, it just propagates null:
        writeln(obj.no.such.property); // null
        // but that can be convenient

Something like this is exactly what I'm talking about. Vibe.data.json also has:

// using piecewise construction
Json j2 = Json.emptyObject;
j2["field1"] = "foo";
j2["field2"] = 42.0;
j2["field3"] = true;

D doesn't seem to be the blocker for these convenient abstractions.

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