Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:
> I think one aspect that tends to be forgotten is that built-in arrays 
> are the lowest abstraction - really just one small step above pointers. 
> Efficiency lost there is lost forever. That's why I consider the current 
> design adequate and the proposed designs less so.

Let's look at your proposal from a slightly different perspective. First of 
all, a conforming implementation is free to do the re-allocation on every 
append. There are no complexity requirements specified. 

The controversy stems from the fact that the spec deliberately leaves a window 
for certain optimizations that might result in the array being write-shared 
after the append. In that case the spec dictates certain restrictions that are 
expressed informally as no-stomping. BTW, we can't currently evaluate the 
proposal until no-stomping is formally defined.

Because of that, a program written for and tested on one conforming 
implementation may not work correctly on another, depending on what 
optimization strategy is picked. That will probably lead to implementations 
that use a compile-time switch to disable such optimizations. 

The bugs resulting from not understanding when write sharing is possible (and 
I'm afraid a lot of programmers will have problems following the spec in this 
area) will be subtle. They will also be "soft" (as opposed to "hard" bugs), and 
those are much harder to discover and track down. 

All these things have to be carefully weighed. We are in uncharted territory.

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