On 5/16/17 11:19 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
On 5/5/2017 11:26 PM, Joakim wrote:
Walter: I believe memory safety will kill C.

I can't find any definitive explanation of what the Wannacry exploit is.
One person told me it was an overflow bug, another that it was
truncation from converting 32 to 16 bits.

Anyhow, the Wannacry disaster looks to be a very expensive lesson in
using memory unsafe languages for critical software. I know Microsoft
has worked for years to use their own C which is memory safer,
apparently it is not enough.


Scott: "I am skeptical of the claim that memory safety is going to kill [C] off because it has been known that this is not a memory safe language for decades."

Dylan: "Do you think that maybe Walter and Andrei planted the memory safety topic just to try to kill C?"

Scott: "You know that would be like them..."

1 week later: WanaCry.  Both Walter and WanaCry start with W. Hm....


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