On Tuesday, 23 May 2017 at 17:28:21 UTC, MysticZach wrote:
I made a pull request for a new DIP dealing with contract syntax:


I write the DIP in response to the discussions for DIP 1003: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/wcqebjzdjxldeywlx...@forum.dlang.org

This DIP is not under any kind of formal review yet. I just wanted to let people know that it's there.

how about @uda based contracts?

@in(x => x < 100)
@out((ret) { assert(ret > 0, "some text"); })
int fun(int i) { return someVal; }

they could also be used on type definitions,

@out((t) { assert(t); })
 class NotNull {}

or temporarly on instances

@in(t => t !is null) auto notNull = new NotNull;

you could also have @inout as a combination.
another feature would be that they could be introspected.

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