On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 11:58:14 UTC, Manu wrote:
Is it possible to convince the compiler to emit code built for the backend target directly into the same object file as the host code?
I feel like this should be possible, along the lines of
__attribute__((target(...)) to convince the compiler to generate code for a few functions with different targets than the module?

Alas no. __attribute__((target(...)) works because it targeting different targets of the _same_ backend, this targets different backends.

Using solutions as you suggest above introduces dependent build sequencing into the build script. Different build systems might prove to be more or less difficult to integrate cleanly, and many people use build-script generators which might need to learn a few new tricks.

Hence why I made reading from disk (with a predictable output name) a viable option. Any build script trickery would simply just feed in slightly later down the pipeline of.

read file from disk -> in memory -> compute API -> binary -> execute

Also thats how using other kernels not written in D would work, just plug somewhere into the pipeline.

'Expertise' is possibly not the word I'd suggest ;)
But I'll have some established software by that time that I'd love to attempt to port, we can work through rough edges together when you're available. No rush.

Great. Heh, still more experience than I have. Looking forward to it, earliest would probably be August.

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