On Monday, 5 June 2017 at 12:51:16 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
On 06/05/2017 11:50 AM, Olivier FAURE wrote:
In other words, @safe functions would be allowed to catch Error after try blocks if the block only mutates data declared inside of it; the code would look like:

     import vibe.d;

     // ...

string handleRequestOrError(in HTTPServerRequest req) @safe {
         ServerData myData = createData();

         try {
         catch (Error) {
throw new SomeException("Oh no, a system error occured");


But `myData` is still alive when `catch (Error)` is reached, isn't it?

Good catch; yes, this example would refuse to compile; myData needs to be declared in the try block.

How does `@trusted` fit into this? The premise is that there's a bug somewhere. You can't assume that the bug is in a `@system` function. It can just as well be in a `@trusted` one. And then `@safe` and `pure` mean nothing.

The point of this proposal is that catching Errors should be considered @safe under certain conditions; code that catch Errors properly would be considered as safe as any other code, which is, "as safe as the @trusted code it calls".

I think the issue of @trusted is tangential to this. If you (or the writer of a library you use) are using @trusted to cast away pureness and then have side effects, you're already risking data corruption and undefined behavior, catching Errors or no catching Errors.

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