On Thu, Jun 08, 2017 at 12:18:21AM +0300, ketmar via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Ozan wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 at 09:44:55 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> > > Is there an issue with the tests? Surprised that vibe.d is not
> > > higher in the rating...
> > > 
> > > https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r14&hw=ph&test=fortune
> > > 
> > Same for me.
> > I used a lot of Java (Jetty, Tomcat) and Groovy (Grails) stuff
> > before using D (vibe.d).
> > On my machine I got a factor of 10-50 in difference. Vibe.d was
> > always much faster.
> > 
> > So where are the results coming from?
> most of it came from microbenchmarking. "how fast can we parse json
> and query db?" wow, what a great benchmark! surely, we don't need to
> do any data processing, let's measure raw speed of parsing data, and
> then throwing it away!

Yes, data processing performance is not important; parsing is what we
must optimize!


A program should be written to model the concepts of the task it performs 
rather than the physical world or a process because this maximizes the 
potential for it to be applied to tasks that are conceptually similar and, more 
important, to tasks that have not yet been conceived. -- Michael B. Allen

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