I'm trying to port some simple lock-free algorithm to D and as the docs are quite minimal I'm stuck a little bit.

The memory order seem to be ok:
MemoryOrder.acq -> C++ accquire
MemoryOrder.rel -> C++ release
MemoryOrder.raw -> C++ relaxed
MemoryOrder.seq -> C++ seq_cst or acq_rel (the strongest)
There is no consume in D.

But what about compare_exchange (CAS) ? In C++ one have to provide Memory ordering for success and failure, but not in D. Does it mean, it is the strongest sequaential all the time, all some explicit fence have to be provided. Or the difference is that, CAS in D does not updates the expected value and in C++ the orderin is used for this update ? Thus in the usual spin loop I have to add an explicit fence on success?

ubyte flagsNow, newFlags;
do {
  flagsNow = atomicLoad!( MemoryOrder.acq )( flags_ );
  newFlags = update( flagsNow );
} while( !cas( &flags_, flagsNow, newFlags ) );
// do I need fence here ???

Another issue is the fence. In D there is no memoryordering for fence, only the strongest one exists. Is it intentional? (Not as if I have ever used explicit barriers apart from the one included in the atomic operations itself:) )

Thanks: Gzp

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