On Sun, Jun 11 2017, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d 
<digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

And where do existing D build systems fit into the picture, I seem to
recall this general discussion around the announcement of "button", which
seems interesting, potentially awesome even:

Button announcement

- Implicit dependency detection.
- Correct incremental builds.
- Can display a graph of the build.
- Recursive. Can generate a build description as part of the build.
- Very general. Does not make any assumptions about the structure of your 
- Detects and displays cyclic dependencies.
- Detects race conditions.

example build description provided (the build description is done in


I have not used it, but if it works as described on the box most should
be pleased to get to know and to use and promote, no?... I assume it
will work well with dub if necessary? Other D based build systems have
been mentioned, who is able to review them?

> On Sunday, June 11, 2017 16:47:30 Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> On 06/11/2017 12:27 PM, ketmar wrote:
>>  > p.s.: or replacing make-based build system with D-based. as we need
>>  > working D compiler to compile dmd anyway, i see no reason to not use it
>>  > more.
>> I had the pleasure of working with Eyal Lotem, main author of buildsome.
>> The buildsome team are aware of all pitfalls of all build systems and
>> offer build*some* as an awe*some* ;) and correct build system:
>>    http://buildsome.github.io/buildsome/
> Atila did some work to get dmd, druntime, phobos, etc. building with
> reggae/dub, and I _think_ that he had it all working. As I understand it,
> the main barrier to switching to it officially was political. A number of us
> would _love_ to see the makefiles killed off, and there's really no
> technical barrier to doing so. It's really a question of convincing folks
> like Walter, Andrei, and Martin, and I get the impression that to an extent,
> there's an attitude of not wanting to mess with what's working (though I
> dispute that it works all that well from a maintenance perspective).
> It's certainly a pain to edit the makefiles though, and I think that we'd be
> far better off in the long run if we switched to something like reggae - and
> since reggae is written in D and uses dub, we'd be dogfooding our own stuff
> in the process.
> - Jonathan M Davis


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