On Wednesday, 14 June 2017 at 09:18:58 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
If you're maintaining your code and making the occasional, required adjustments when the language or library changes something that requires adjustments, then you should be just fine without having to do massive code rewrites or anything like that (and at this point, breaking changes normally involve a deprecation process so that they don't just force you to immediately change your code).

That is my point exactly. I have nothing against evolving a language slowly over time to include more features. A few things get obsolete, ... no big issue. New options are added. Again. No big issue.

But the moment a language opens up for developers their "wishlist", it seems everybody wants "their" changes added to the language. And this then turn into a language that is constantly changing. That is consider more the worst case scenario.

Frankly, if things are handled in a evolutionary way, then i do not have a issue with it. As long as thing do not turn out into: "well, x percentage of your code just become useless".

The main issue is library vs existing code. There is a lot of code out there that is now abandoned but still (mostly) works. The moment the evolution gets too far, your starting to get more and more code out there that simple does not work.

In my personal opinion, if you want to pull something like that, then make a totally complete clean break. Change the language name ... And yes it sounds radical and silly but if there is one frustrating point that people have new to a language, is legacy non-functional code.

I can right now look up Swift examples and get over 50% that simply do not work because the language evolved so fast and everybody used the name "Swift", not "Swift 1.0", "Swift 2.0"... Its frankly a mess. And while i personally love some of the features that Swift has, its a mess for anything outside of the pure Apple development.

Just putting the cards on the table but frankly D is a generic name ( Mars was not much better ). When Googling for D code, the results are hit or miss. When Googling for Dlang, it tries to search on GoLang. Marketing is hard when your product is so generic named ( double pun is intended ) :)

Just changing the library to D3 and not the base D name will result in people finding old code, not getting it to work, getting frustrated and simply ignoring the language. Hey, despite loving the syntax, did the exact same thing with Swift.

With D i can find 3 or 4 year old code and get it running something without a single issue. Or a quick fix. Just saying, its not just about the language and library features. it also about what is round the language. The examples and code out there, the packages, the editors and other support.

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