I think the following example is legitimate code that should work:

struct S1 {
    void foo() {
    void foo(ulong x) {
        writefln("S1.foo(%d)", x);

struct S2 {
    S1 s;
    alias s this;

    void foo(string str) {
        writeln("S2.foo(%s)", str);

void main() {
    S2 s;

s.foo(100); // XXX this doesn't compile, since there's no S2.foo that accepts an int

To quote Andrei, if it looks like it should work, it should. (Also something about turtles).

My original code did something a bit different, just to show another example of why this behavior looks fundamentally broken to me:

struct S2 {
    S1 s;
    alias s this;
@disable void foo(ulong); // calling foo(ulong) doesn't make sense in the context of S2

Now, calling S2.foo() won't compile, since S2 only knows one prototype for foo which accepts a ulong.

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