On Thursday, 22 June 2017 at 01:13:43 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Slices! And preferably in an example where it beats C performance by not needing to duplicate strings everywhere.

There's one in the queue, feel free to vote for or destroy it:


Built-in unittests... ddoc'd unittests! Though it's hard to think of an example showing this off that's short enough to work for the roulette.

Yes ... ideas welcome ;-)

Sane template syntax. Template alias parameters. Manipulation of template argument lists.

Do you have anything specific in mind?


Absolutely agreed, but how do we show this?
Range - one of the best uses cases - are already shown.

Compile-time introspection + UDAs. Loop over a struct defining a set of program configuration parameters, and generate code for parsing command-line arguments that fills in the struct based on field definitions. (You could just transform the struct members into getopt arguments, as implementing this from scratch could be a bear... and ugly to look at. :-D)

Ok - I gave it a shot, but it got quite long. Any ideas on trimming it down?


std.process making it dead easy to invoke an external program, capture its output, all without the ugliness of manually dealing with fork(),
execv(), and waitpid().

I realized std.parallelism gives an excellent showcase as well:


And created another one for std.process:


Feedback welcome!

You could search for "your code here" in the forum -- that used to be the instructions on submitting code examples back before the website was revamped, and IIRC there have been a handful of suggestions, though AFAIK none was ever actually added to the roulette.

Thanks, but I can only remember spam being posted with "your code here".
The search also doesn't show any results for me...

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