On Thursday, 22 June 2017 at 12:21:29 UTC, MysticZach wrote:

I understand. Thus, a better DIP would suggest reimplementing D's DbC system altogether. Because as it is, they are little more than syntax dressing, which happens to be less convenient that just writing out the asserts in the first place. They're more like syntax _vinegar_ than sugar. Which explains why hardly anyone uses them. Why write this:

int fun(int a)
in { assert (a); }
do {
    return a;

...when you could just do this:

int fun(int a) {
   return a;

My recollection is that the most significant reason to use contracts in D is because of contract inheritance. There's a lot of focus in this discussion on normal functions, when I would say that contracts really aren't even needed.

So a more useful situation to consider then is:

class Foo
    int fun(int a)
    in {
        assert(a > 0 && a < 10);
    body {
        return a;

class Bar : Foo
    int fun(int a)
    in {assert(a > 0);}
    body {
        return a;

I would say keep the current behavior for backwards compatibility (maybe with the body/do change), but also allow the following code:

class Foo
    int fun(int a)
        in {
            assert(a > 0 && a < 10);
        return a;

class Bar : Foo
    int fun(int a)
        in {assert(a > 0);}
        return a;

where the compiler would effectively re-write this into the code above. You wouldn't need to make a change to interfaces since they don't have bodies anyway.

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