On Thursday, 29 June 2017 at 01:37:17 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 01:22:31AM +0000, Mark via Digitalmars-d wrote: [...]
So basically, I'd like the ability to implement fairly simple contracts (with a similar level of sophistication to the above examples) that the compiler can check for me. I don't know, maybe this is easier to implement using UDAs...

One idea I have is that the compiler could recognize certain straightforward contracts (like int < value) and use VRP (value range propagation) to detect cases where it's clear that the contract would be violated.

However, this can only be done in a very rudimentary fashion, because:

(1) DbC contracts pertain to *runtime* argument values, so while
checking for simple cases at compile-time is nice, it isn't really in
the charter of (D's implementation of) DbC.

(2) VRP in the compiler currently only works within a very limited scope, IIRC within a single expression. So while it may detect the `foo(bar())` case, it probably won't detect the `x=bar(); foo(x);` case.
Ostensibly the scope of VRP ought to be expanded, however:

(3) In the past Walter has shown some reluctance in adding features that hurt compilation time; if a more sophisticated implementation of VRP is required and it's deemed too expensive in terms of compilation time, Walter may veto it.

(4) Arbitrarily complex boolean conditions are undecidable in general, so unless you have a way to solve the halting problem, a general solution is intractible. Of course, the kind of conditions you find in contracts generally ought to be nowhere near the halting problem in complexity, but it's not clear how far one can go without running the risk of (3). My guess is that something based on VRP is the most likely to materialize in the foreseeable future.



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