On Tuesday, 4 July 2017 at 00:46:36 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
How would I disable the following?

auto a1=A(1);
auto a2=A(1, "b");

struct A{
  int a;
  string b;
  // @disable default constructors with N(N>=1) arguments

I'd like to force the user to set fields explicitly, so as to make it more safe to add / move fields

As soon as a class defines at least one constructor, the implicit default constructor is not avaliable anymore. - TDPL pg. 182

So to answer your question, define a constructor. perhaps:

  this(int _a, string_b) {a=_a; b=_b;}


  auto a1=A(1);      //fails
  auto a2=A(1, "b"); //passes

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