On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 13:54:04 -0500, dsimcha <dsim...@yahoo.com> wrote:

The hook doesn't sound like a bad idea, but it raises a lot of issues with the implementation details. These are things I could figure out given plenty of time. I'd like weak refs, too. However, I don't think this makes the short list for D2

1. Doing it at all properly requires a lot of thought about what a good design
for such an API should be and how to implement it efficiently.

To have a hook or not to have a hook is not as important as fixing the bug. If we do it first without a public hook, that is fine, then we can refine it later.

2. I think we still need an ArrayBuilder or something because, while the MRU
would be reasonably efficient, it still wouldn't be as efficient as an
ArrayBuilder, and would do nothing to solve the uniqueness problem. Therefore, I
think fleshing out ArrayBuilder is a higher priority.

Let's fix the bug first, then we can worry about efficiency. The fact that you can stomp on immutable memory in safeD is no good for D2.


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