On 2017-07-05 22:12, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
Over time, what is considered "idiomatic D" has changed, and nowadays it
seems to be leaning heavily towards range-based code with UFCS chains
using std.algorithm and similar reusable pieces of code.

It's not UFCS per say that causes the problem. If you're using the traditional calling syntax it would generate the same symbols.

D (well, DMD specifically) is famed for its lightning speed compilation

So this left me wondering why my latest D project, a smallish codebase
with only ~5000 lines of code, a good part of which are comments, takes
about 11 seconds to compile.

Yeah, it's usually all these D specific compile time features that is slowing down compilation.

DWT and Tango are two good examples of large code bases where very few of these features are used, they're written in a more traditional style. They're at least 200k lines of code each and, IIRC, takes around 10 seconds (or less) to compile, for a full build.

/Jacob Carlborg

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