In a few days I will try to develop a small mobile application for iOS and Android.

At first I wanted to implement it in D, but I quickly came to the conclusion that this actually wasn't an option.

Now I'm in the process of trying both Dart and Haxe.

Both allow to implement the server and the mobile application.

"The most important reason people chose Dart is: Dart includes a truly comprehensive core library, making it unnecessary to include disparate, external resources for basic functionalities Other than reducing the need to pull in various 3rd-party utilities this also ensures that all Dart code looks and feels the same."

"The most important reason people chose Haxe is: Haxe allows you to develop for Web, iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, OSX, Linux and others, all at once, without the need to switch languages and maintain separate code bases. This is possible because Haxe can compile to JavaScript, ActionScript, Flash AVM bytecode, C++, Neko, PHP, C# (.NET) and Java. Support for even more platforms and languages is under development."

That makes me sad and angry, because after a few experiments I can already say the both languages are WAY behind D, and feel very limited and primitive compared to D.

But they indeed get the job done for web server and connected mobile application development.

Another proof that money and corporate support is what D is severely lacking of...

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