On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 20:22:16 UTC, Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:
On 07/09/2017 09:26 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 12:56:55 UTC, FoxyBrown wrote:
>> return str.join(" ");
>> [...]
>> Error: template std.array.join cannot deduce function from
>> types !()(string, string)
>> [...]
>> simply trying to join a string[] with a separator.
> The error message sucks, but you clearly have a string when
you meant
> string[].

Related to this, I've been giving some thought lately to a little bit of re-designing types themselves. Specifically, type creation tools that go beyond what structs and classes give us and allow better handling D-style generics.

It's all very incomplete right now, but basically here's the gist:

Awesome as D's generics, ranges, etc all are, they do make two things far more convoluted than when using basic straightforward types: Function declarations, and error messages when things don't match.

So, why not encapsulate much of that stuff we merely *describe* in signatures for generic functions into genuine honest-to-goodness types?

There would be user-defined symbols, such as "InputRange" or "SomeString", or "RandomAccessRange!SomeString", which the type system sees as actual types. And naturally there would be some mechanism for actually defining those types. Then, defining a function like this:

SomeString fizzbar(RandomAccessRange!SomeNumeric r) {...}

...would automatically imply to the compiler all (or at least a lot of) the pluming we usually clutter the function declaration with: Defining the templated types and calling the appropriate if(isBlahBlah) constraints. About the only things remaining would be additional constraints not already defined by the next-gen types, and restrictions on how the parameters relate to each other.

Even better, having all that encapsulated into genuine types should make it easier for the compiler to provide better error messages.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood what you're proposing, but isn't this exactly what C++ set out to do with concepts? If that's the case, I'd recommend you look up some of Andrei's refutation of concepts in favour of template guards and `static if`.

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