On Wednesday, 12 July 2017 at 09:57:21 UTC, Martin Tschierschke wrote:
On Wednesday, 12 July 2017 at 07:58:30 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
On Thursday, 16 February 2017 at 21:05:51 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
[ ... ]
long story short:
This is now fixed.
ABI bugs are HELL!


As being a newbie, could you please point to a post describing what you are doing in more general terms. Answering the question, what will the new CTFE bring to us all and when should we start preparing a big celebration for the time it gets part of DMD?

Here is a blog-port describing the project.

newCTFE will reduce the time taken for ctfe by roughly 10x
And, more importantly it reduces the memory-usage.
Instead of a few gigabyte it will not even allocate more then a megabyte. (Currently it is hard capped to a maximum of 64K stack space and 16M heap).

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