Am 25.07.2017 um 20:47 schrieb ciechowoj:
As Jacob Carlborg said it's for the dstep.

On Tuesday, 25 July 2017 at 15:18:04 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Tuesday, 25 July 2017 at 14:17:54 UTC, ciechowoj wrote:
What's wrong with the current error message? Doesn't it do that?

Nope, this message looks like intended for the library author rather
than for a library user.

What I want is a message that signals that the compilation isn't
possible with the default x86 arch and the user has to use x86_mscoff arch.

That's precisely what --arch (or simply -a) is for. But you can avoid
passing it explicitly by setting the $DUB_ARCH environment variable
(as per the dub documentation).

To disable the warning I mentioned in the first post I needed to remove
the `-m32mscoff` flag. Now the library can be compiled only with
explicit specification of the architecture.

However the default arch is what the library's end user will select most
And then they will receive unhelpful message about OPTLINK being unable
to parse the VS linker command line.

Ideally I would like to be able to suppress m32mscoff warning and build
for x86_mscoff by default (or amd64).

Setting $DUB_ARCH is unacceptable as well.

What you can do is to create a configuration that only works for x86_64:

    name "myproject"

    configuration "library" {
        platforms "x86_64"
        targetType "library"
        // ...

This will cause the configuration resolution to fail if the wrong architecture is selected. The downside is that I think the error message will not be very helpful currently (something like "could not resolve configuration for myproject"), but that should be fixable.

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