Here's a reduced example that does not depend on std.exception:
import std.stdio;
class MyException : Exception
    this() { super("MYMY"); }
struct S
        try { throw new MyException; }
        catch(MyException e) { writefln("Collected MyException: %s", e.msg); }
        catch(Exception e)   { writefln("Collected Exception: %s",   e.msg); }
    void method() { throw new Exception("Dumb error"); }
void main()
    try {
        S s;
    } catch(Exception) {}

Expected output:
        Collected MyException: MYMY

Actual output:
        Collected Exception: MYMY

Looks like a bug in druntime, or a codegen bug?


Help a man when he is in trouble and he will remember you when he is in trouble 

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