On Friday, 1 September 2017 at 20:27:45 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:

You would also need to know type information, not just the name itself. If you had a name like mine.A.B.Test, then you would need to know what A, B, and Test are, are they modules, classes, structs, enums, etc

Actually found a way around this.

When `reflectFqn` below is instantiated, the fully qualified name that was provided as the template arg gets baked into the function name in hex. So all I have to do is figure out how to get the mangle of reflectFqn!("some string") at runtime.

abstract class Reflection {
    string name() const;

class ReflectionImpl(T) : Reflection {
    override string name() const {
        return T.stringof;

export extern(C) const(Reflection) reflectFqn(string fqn)()
    mixin("alias T = " ~ fqn ~ ";");
    static const(Reflection) refl = new ReflectionImpl!T;
    return refl;

const(Reflection) reflect(T)() {
    return (reflectFqn!(fullyQualifiedName!(Unqual!T)));

int main(string[] argv)
    alias TFunc = const(Reflection) function();
    string mangle = reflectFqn!"package.module.Test".mangleof;

    auto handle = GetModuleHandleA(null);
auto getRefl= cast(TFunc)GetProcAddress(handle, mangle.toStringz);

    return 0;

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