On Monday, 11 September 2017 at 23:01:06 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Here are some D-Man cartoons:


which we sometimes use to decorate D related web pages:


It seems we are under-utilizing our mascot, D-Man. Wouldn't it be nice to have a set of D-Man emojis that can be linked to? or that we can use in the D forums?

Anyone want to contribute some? No drawing talent required! I drew some, and I have the talent of a second-grader. [I know that because my mom saved some of my 2nd grade art, and things haven't improved.]


Could you also include into the dmd2 package an icon file. I would be nice if I could set an icon for the *.d files. The dmd installer for windows has a nice icon which could be included for example.

There is an icon d002.ico in html\d\images. But it is low resolution and the background is not transparent.

Kind regards

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