On Thursday, 21 September 2017 at 10:21:17 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
     shared static this()

BTW, I'd recommend using

    void main()

instead and dropping the VibeDefaultMain version in the package recipe. The old approach is planned to be faded out slowly, because it requires some special DUB support that would be nice to see gone at some point.

Thank you!
Trying to use multithreaded mode.

Under windows, best Vibe.d results are equal to results of Go server. Under linux, Vibe.d is still slower even if there are 4 threads listening.


OS       lang:config   req/s    comments
=======  ==========    =======  ==========
Linux    go            53K
Linux    D:default     48K      1 thread
Linux    D:libevent    48K      1 thread
Linux    D:libasync    46.5K    4 threads

Windows  go            12K
Windows  D:default     12K      4 threads
Windows  D:libevent    12K      4 threads
Windows  D:libasync    7K       4 threads

Under Linux in default and libevent configurations, I see error messages from 3 of 4 threads - looks like only one thread can process connections.

Failed to listen on
Task terminated with uncaught exception: Failed to listen for incoming HTTP connections on any of the supplied interfaces.

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